




Ancient cookware was often cast from bronze. Equivalent to a modern pot, used for cooking or serving fish and meat. Han Xushen's "Shuowen Jiezi": "A tripod, with three legs and two ears, is a treasure of five flavors. It is like analyzing wood for cooking." "The Jade Chapter": "A tripod is a cooked food utensil.". Generally, the shape of a tripod is round, with a large belly, two ears facing each other at the mouth, and three legs below. The big belly is used to hold objects, the three legs are elevated to ignite fire, and the two ears are used to hold objects (also known as flat, resembling a wooden stick) for easy lifting. The legendary cauldron has a height of over three feet; The smallest one is no more than four inches. The shape of the tripod varies with the times. In the early Shang Dynasty, there were many round belly pointed tripods, as well as pillar footed square tripods and flat footed tripods. In the late Shang Dynasty, the majority of round bellied column foot tripods were used, while the number of split crotch tripods increased and pointed foot tripods gradually disappeared. In the late Western Zhou Dynasty, the flat footed and square footed tripods basically disappeared, and the tripod legs were mostly hoofed. During the Warring States period, there were many cauldrons with a lid and ears. The belly of the ordinary cauldron was shaped like a watermelon, and the feet gradually became smaller. The cauldron was covered with three legs, or three rings. During the Qin and Han dynasties, the tripod had a large mouth, a large belly, an attached ear, three short legs, all covered with three rings. During this period, there were no extremely large cauldrons, and most of the ones that have been passed down are about one foot tall.
The copper tripod evolved from the pottery tripod and was originally used for cooking food. Later, it was mainly used for worship and banquets. It was one of the most important ceremonial vessels during the Shang and Zhou dynasties. This tripod is a late Shang Dynasty product, and to this day, there is still a smoke replica preserved at the bottom of the vessel. The overall decoration is complex and exquisite, with a rounded body paired with patterns such as circular vortex patterns, wind bird patterns, cicada patterns, etc. The shape and decoration are harmonious and natural, making it a masterpiece in the Shang Dynasty bronze cauldron.


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