




More pottery animal sculptures have been found in the cultural sites of the middle and late Neolithic age. A pottery handle with a dog's head and a bird's tail was unearthed at Banpo site of Yangshao culture. A group of pottery sculptures of people and animals from the Longshan culture period unearthed in Tianmen, Hubei Province, are numerous. In addition to sheep, dogs, chickens and other domestic animals, there are also elephants and tortoises. These small clay sculptures can express the attitude of animals in their activities. For example, there are many changes in the movements of dogs and birds. Some of them turn their heads and stand, some look back, some look down for food, and some have a bird perched on their backs. In the Neolithic age, in the settled agricultural environment, pigs, sheep, cattle, dogs, horses, chickens and other six animals were generally raised in the north and south. Through long-term observation, the sculptor is familiar with the characteristics and habits of various animals in the activities of hunting and raising livestock. Therefore, although these works are simple in shape, they have distinct characteristics and are dynamic and vivi


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