




1、 狮子的摆放要考虑地形地势 1, lions placed to consider terrain, topography 摆放狮子塑像更重要的是要考虑地形地势。一般来说,摆放的地方宜高不宜低,前面应有开阔的空间。只有居高临下,狮子塑像才能显示出不凡的气势,具备了足够的空间,狮子才有用武之地。有些人将狮子塑像摆放在低陷、狭窄的空间里,反而形成“狮子受困”的格局。 Placing a statue of a lion is more important to consider the terrain. Generally speaking, the place should be high, not low, there should be open space ahead. Only a commanding position, the statue of lions can show extraordinary momentum, with enough space, lions will be useful. Some people will be placed in a statue of a lion, a narrow space, but the formation of the "lion trapped" pattern. 2、放在与屋宅五行相吻合方位 2, and in the house, the five lines coincide with the location 狮子属乾卦,居西北方五行属金,因此通常来说狮子摆放在西北方最能发挥功效。同时西方也适合摆放狮子。但也不尽然,原则就是要具定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 遮阳网 体与摆放的屋宅五行相生为宜。现代住宅如遇到道路直冲,屋角相对等不利情况时,可摆放狮子塑像加以阻挡。如不利因素来自北方,可在北方摆放石狮、玉狮;如来自西方,可在西方摆放红狮;如来自南方,可在南方摆放黑狮;如来自东方,可在东方摆放铜狮、白狮等。 The lion is reading, the north west five line of gold, so usually placed in the northwest lions play the most. At the same time, the west is also suitable for lions. But not necessarily, the principle is to be specific and placed in the house, the five lines are appropriate. If the modern residential road into the corner, the relative adverse situation, can be placed to block the lion statue. The unfavorable factors such as from the north, can be placed in the North Shishi, jade lion; like the west, can be placed in the Red Lion West; as the south, can put the black lion in the South; as the East, in the East, the white lion placed bronze etc.. 3、 狮头冲外 3, the lion rushed outside 狮很凶猛,煞气较重,风水布局用来阻止邪魔鬼怪入屋,因此狮头宜向屋外。若是摆在窗口,狮头亦一定要向着窗外。石狮可以放在窗沿外边,但必须用水泥固定,以免跌落街中。若是放在窗内亦可,但仍须用胶粘紧,藉以确保狮头向外。 The lion is very fierce, Shaqi heavier, Feng Shui layout is used to prevent the evil spirits in the house, so the lion should to the outside. If placed in the window, also must head to the window. Shishi can be placed on the windowsill outside, but must be fixed with cement, so as not to fall in the street. If you can put in the window, but still use glue stick, so as to ensure that the lion's head out.


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  4. 地址:河北省保定市唐县

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