




中国古代园林很早就有雕塑装饰。汉武帝时建章宫北太液池畔曾有石鱼、石龟、石牛、织女,还有铜仙人立于神明台上。颐和园宫门前的铜狮,庭院中布置的铜鹤、铜鹿,既是造型优美的艺术珍品,又是庭院的组成部分。中国园林中“特置”的山石,虽然不是人工雕塑物,也起雕塑物的作用。如颐和园乐寿堂前的青芝岫、苏州留园的冠云峰(见彩图苏州留园冠云峰,北宋花石纲遗物,高约9米),都是以其自然形象供人欣赏。在自然风景区常利用天然岩壁洞穴雕凿佛像。[3]帝王陵园前则以石人、石兽列队甬道两侧,增加中轴线的气势。中国各地园林中也设置了各型槽模具 一次性止血带 保定水处理设备 一次性止血带 保定空压机 北京真空泵种类型的雕塑。
Ancient Chinese gardens have been decorated with sculptures for a long time. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there were stone fish, stone turtle, stone ox, Weaver Girl and copper fairy standing on the platform of gods. The bronze lion in front of the palace gate of the summer palace and the copper crane and deer in the courtyard are both artistic treasures and components of the courtyard. Although the "special" rocks in Chinese gardens are not artificial sculptures, they also act as sculptures. For example, qingzhixiu in front of Leshou hall in the summer palace and Guanyun peak in Suzhou Liuyuan (see the color picture of Guanyun peak in Suzhou Liuyuan, a relic of huashigang in the Northern Song Dynasty, about 9 meters high), are all appreciated for their natural images. In the natural scenic area, we often use the natural rock cave to carve the Buddha statue. [3] In front of the imperial mausoleum, stone men and Stone Beasts lined up on both sides of the corridor to increase the momentum of the central axis. Various types of sculptures are also set up in gardens all over China


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  2. 电话:15931240824王经理
  3. 手机:13722424682王经理
  4. 地址:河北省保定市唐县

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