




在中国的民族文化里,铜狮子一直是守护人们吉祥、平安的象征。它不畏寒风烈日,脚踏实地,始终如一地与您忠诚相伴;它高贵、尊严,极具王者风范;它威武、吉祥,被奉为护国镇邦之宝。民间关于铜狮子的的形态和传说可以说是无穷无尽,却都和吉祥、喜庆紧紧相连。在内地古镇,有这样耳熟能详的民谣:“摸摸狮头,一生不用愁;摸摸狮背,好地变电阻柜 精密铸造 中频电炉设备 保定断桥铝门窗 保定养老院 镜子批发 启闭机活一辈辈;摸摸狮嘴,夫妻不吵嘴;摸摸狮腚,永远不生病,从头摸到尾,财源广进如水流。”铜雕狮子寓意吉祥如意、平安。
In the Chinese national culture, the bronze lions have always been the symbol of the auspiciousness and safety of the people. It is afraid of the cold sun, down-to-earth, consistent from beginning to end accompanied with your loyalty; it is noble, dignity, very kingly; it is mighty, auspicious, be regarded as the treasure of the town. The forms and legends about the bronze lions in the folk are inexhaustible, but they are closely linked to auspicious and joyous celebrations. In the mainland town, there is such a folk song: "touch head for having heard it many times, do not have to worry about life; touch the lion back, live from generation to generation; touch the lion mouth, do not quarrel; touch the lion buttocks, never get sick, touch the end from the beginning, Caiyuanguangjin like water." The bronze lion symbolizes good luck and peace


  1. 公司名称:鑫宏铜雕工艺品厂
  2. 电话:15931240824王经理
  3. 手机:13722424682王经理
  4. 地址:河北省保定市唐县

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